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Ein Cynllun Trochi
Our Immersion Programme

Children learning in kindergarden

Beth yw Carreg Lam?
What is Carreg Lam?

Mae Carreg Lam yn cynnig cyfle i ddisgyblion sy’n siarad Saesneg i ddysgu Cymraeg yn rhugl. Mae’r canolfan drochi iaith yn darpar cwrs dysgu’r iaith ar gyfer disgyblion Blwyddyn 2 hyd at Flwyddyn 6. Mae’r canolfan yn croesawu disgyblion o ysgolion Saesneg sydd eisiau trosglwyddo i addysg gyfrwng Gymraeg.


Carreg Lam offers pupils who speak English the opportunity to learn Welsh fluently. The language immersion centre provides a language learning course for pupils from Year 2 up to Year 6. The centre welcomes pupils from English schools who want to transfer to Welsh medium education.

Kids at school

Sut fydd y fy mhlentyn yn dysgu’r iaith?
How will my child learn the language?

Rhagwelir bod disgyblion yn mynychu Carreg Lam ar gyfer 12 wythnos er mwyn dysgu’r iaith mewn ffordd strwythedig a phwrpasol, wedi arwain gan arbenigwyr, cyn trosglwyddo i’r prif ffrwd o fewn ysgol gyfrwng Gymraeg yn Nhorfaen. Dysgir geirfa, patrymau ieithyddol a strwythurau’r iaith trwy ddulliau sydd wedi’u profi i weithio (megis chwarae rôl, gemau, drilio iaith). Golygir hyn fod disgyblion yn meddu ar ryglder sylfaenol yn y Gymraeg, yn gallu defnyddio’r Gymraeg mewn amrywiaeth o sefyllfaoedd, yn datblygu sgiliau meddwl ac yn cael eu paratoi ar gyfer mynychu ysgol gyfrwng Gymraeg.

Yn dilyn y 12 wythnos cychwynnol hyn, lle mae’r plant yn profi dysgu ieithyddol dwys er mwyn ysgogi sgiliau iaith sylfaenol, mae’r canolfan yn parhau i’w cefnogi trwy ymweliadau, cydweithio gyda’r ysgolion a mewnoli cynllun wedi’u personoli o strategaethau a chymorth.

It is anticipated that pupils attend Carreg Lam for 12 weeks in order to learn the language in a structured and purposeful way, guided by experts, before transferring to a mainstream class within a Welsh medium school in Torfaen. Vocabulary, linguistic patterns and language structures are taught through methods that have been proven to work (such as role playing, games, language drills). This means that pupils have a foundational fluency in the Welsh language, can access the ability to use the Welsh language in a variety of situations, develop thinking skills and are prepared for attending a Welsh medium school.

Following these initial 12 weeks, where the children experience intensive language learning in order to stimulate basic language skills, the centre continues to support them through visits, collaboration with their school and creating a personalised plan of strategies and support.

Sut fydd fy mhlentyn yn ymdopi?
How will my child cope?

Fel y welwch chi o’n weledigaeth a’n hamcanion, mae lles pob disgybl yn ganolog i beth rydym yn gwneud. Rydym yn cadw golwg manwl ar ddatblygiad a theimladau’r disgyblion ynghyd â monitro cyson o’u perfformiad. Sicrhewn bod eich plentyn yn derbyn cyfleoedd dyddiol i ymgysylltu gyda disgyblion oed eu hunain a gofal llesol.


As you can see from our vision and objectives, the wellbeing of every pupil is central to what we do. We keep a close eye on the pupils' development and feelings along with constant monitoring of their performance. We ensure that your child receives daily opportunities to engage with pupils of their own age and wellbeing care.


Ble mae Carreg Lam?
Where is Carreg Lam?

Torfaen immersion center is located within Ysgol Panteg, in Pontypwl. The center has a room in the heart of the school and enjoys all the school's facilities.


Lleolir canolfan drochi Torfaen o fewn Ysgol Panteg, ym Mhont-y-Pŵl. Mae gan y ganolfan ystafell yng nghalon yr ysgol ac yn mwynhau holl gyfleusterau’r ysgol.

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