Diwedd Wythnos 12 | End of Week 12
Annwyl Deuluoedd,
Mae’n anodd credu bod 12 wythnos wedi bod! Rydym yn mynd i golli eich plant pob dydd yn yr uned!
Uchafbwyntiau Amser Ein Plant yng Ngharreg Lam
A dyna ni! Mae amser y plant yng Ngharreg Lam wedi dod i ben. Hoffwn ddiolch o galon i’r plant ac i chi fel teuluoedd am eich ymroddiad a brwdfrydedd. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at gefnogi’r plant dros y misoedd nesaf yn eu dosbarthiadau prif-ffrwd. Yn ystod yr wythnos olaf, rydym wedi cael cyfle gwych i adolygu. Mae'r plant wedi mwynhau chwarae yn y caffi ac yn y feddygfa. Roedd e'n braf clywed y plant yn defnyddio'r iaith dysgon nhw ar ddechrau ei daith gyda ni yma yng Ngharreg Lam. Roedd hefyd cyfle i ddysgu am odrifau ac eilrifau. Mae defnyddio'r pwll o beli gwastad yn achosi cyffro ymysg y plant. Roedd amser hefyd i adolygu adio a dysgu sut i chwarae gem dobble er mwyn adolygu iaith anifeiliaid y byd ac ansoddeiriau. I orffen cafodd y plant cyfle i ddefnyddio'r iaith yn naturiol wrth chwarae amryw o gemau bwrdd. Roedd y plant yn gystadleuol iawn ac roedd pawb gwir wedi mwynhau.
Mae nifer iawn o uchafbwyntiau ers i’r plant dechrau gyda ni ym mis Medi. Hoff atgof Mrs. Soper i oedd gweld cyffro'r plant ar bob trip a deall bod yr iaith yn gallu pontio tu hwnt i waliau Carreg Lam. Hoff atgof Miss Stokes oedd cwrdd â phlant newydd a gweld hyder y plant yn datblygu wrth ddefnyddio'r iaith.
Dyma beth ddywedodd y plant am eu hoff atgofion:
Morgan - Fy hoff atgof i yw mynd bowlio a mynd i'r parc.
Izayah - Fy hoff atgof yw mynd i'r caffi i gael te a lliwio gyda ffrindiau.
Eirwen - Fy hoff atgof i yw mynd i'r caffi ac yfed ysgytlaeth mefus
Kaleb- Fy hoff atgof yw mynd bowlio a chwarae gyda ffrindiau.
Archeigh- Fy hoff atgof yw dysgu am dai gwahanol.
James - Fy hoff atgof yw mynd i'r parc achos rydw i'n hoffi'r chwyrligwgan
Gethin- Fy hoff atgof yw mynd i'r caffi ac yfed siocled poeth
George- Fy hoff atgof yw'r seremoni graddio achos mae'n dangos bod fi'n gallu siarad Cymraeg
Alfie - Fy hoff atgof yw mynd ar lawer o dripiau. Rydw i hefyd yn teimlo yn fwy hyderus gyda'r Cymraeg.
Hoffwn ddiolch o galon i’r plant ac i chi fel teuluoedd am eich ymroddiad a brwdfrydedd. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at gefnogi’r plant dros y misoedd nesaf yn eu dosbarthiadau prif-ffrwd.
Dear Families,
It's hard to believe that there 12 weeks has gone by! We are going to miss your children every day in the centre!
Highlights of Our Children’s Time at Carreg Lam
And that's it! The children's time at Carreg Lam has come to an end. I would like to thank the children and you as families from the bottom of my heart for your dedication and enthusiasm. We are looking forward to supporting the children over the coming months in their mainstream classes. During the last week, we have had a great opportunity to review. The children have enjoyed playing in the cafe and in the surgery. It was nice to hear the children using the language they learned at the beginning of his journey with us here in Carreg Lam. There was also an opportunity to learn about odd and even numbers. Using the pool of flat balls causes excitement among the children. There was also time to review addition and learn how to play a dobble game in order to review the language of the world's animals and adjectives. To finish the children had the opportunity to use the language naturally while playing various board games. The children were very competitive and everyone really enjoyed it.
There have been many highlights since the children started with us in September. Favourite memory of Mrs. It was great to see the excitement of the children on each trip and to understand that the language can bridge beyond the walls of Carreg Lam. Miss Stokes' favourite memory was meeting new children and seeing the children's confidence develop when using the language.
Here's what the children said about their favourite memories:
Morgan - My favourite memory is going bowling and going to the park.
Izayah - My favourite memory is going to the cafe for tea and colouring with friends.
Eirwen - My favourite memory is going to the cafe and drinking a strawberry milkshake
Kaleb- My favourite memory is going bowling and playing with friends.
Archeigh- My favourite memory is learning about different houses.
James - My favourite memory is going to the park because I like the whirligig
Gethin- My favourite memory is going to the cafe and drinking hot chocolate
George- My favourite memory is the graduation ceremony because it shows that I can speak Welsh
Alfie - My favourite memory is going on many trips. I also feel more confident with Welsh.
We look forward to supporting the children over the coming months in their main-stream classes.