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10/07/2024 - Yr Wythnos Dan Ffocws | The Week in Focus

Diwedd Wythnos 12 | End of Week 12


Annwyl Deuluoedd,

Mae’n anodd credu bod 12 wythnos wedi bod! Rydym yn mynd i golli eich plant pob dydd yn yr uned!

Uchafbwyntiau Amser Ein Plant yng Ngharreg Lam

A dyna ni! Mae amser y plant yng Ngharreg Lam wedi dod i ben. Hoffwn ddiolch o galon i’r plant ac i chi fel teuluoedd am eich ymroddiad a brwdfrydedd. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at gefnogi’r plant dros y misoedd nesaf yn eu dosbarthiadau prif ffrwd. Yn ystod yr wythnos olaf, rydym wedi ail-ymweld a gweithgareddau mae'r plant gwir yn mwynhau er mwyn adolygu'r iaith. Ar ddechrau'r wythnos defnyddiodd y plant arddodiaid er mwyn rhoi'r bloc yn y safle cywir. Chwaraeodd y plant gem parau ansoddeiriau ac roedd rhaid i blant taro'r ansoddair cywir gyda bag ffa wrth gynhyrchu brawddeg. Roedd hefyd cyfle i blant ail-ymweld gyda'r thema'r synhwyrau a'r tymhorau. Roedd y plant wedi mwynhau cyfle i baentio'r dail ar y coed a disgrifio beth sydd yn digwydd i'r dail yn ystod pop tymor. Yna chwaraeodd y plant gem o Jenga er mwyn trosi berfau. Roedd defnyddio'r pwll o beli hefyd yn hwylus er mwyn chwilio am odrifau ac eilrifau. Yn symud tuag at ddiwedd yr wythnos, roedd cyfle i'r plant mynegi barn eto am ei holl anifeiliaid. Yna cymharodd y plant taldra ei gilydd a dysgon nhw sut i ddefnyddio iaith gymharol. Ar ei diwrnod olaf, roedd y plant wedi mwynhau creu llyfr sy'n dathlu ei chyraeddiadau ieithyddol ac roedd cyfle i ddylunio anifail diddorol hefyd. Roedd y plant i gyd yn chwerthin.  Da iawn chi!


Mae nifer iawn o uchafbwyntiau ers i’r plant dechrau gyda ni ym mis Medi. Hoff atgof Mrs. Soper i oedd gweld cyffro'r plant ar bob trip a deall bod yr iaith yn gallu pontio tu hwnt i waliau Carreg Lam. Hoff atgof Miss Stokes oedd cwrdd â phlant newydd a gweld hyder y plant yn datblygu wrth ddefnyddio'r iaith.


Dyma beth ddywedodd y plant am eu hoff atgofion: 


Tomos- Fy hoff atgof yw mynd bowlio achos mae'n hwylus ac rydw i wedi ennill yr ail dro.

Seren- Fy hoff atgof yw Dŵr Cymru achos rydym ni wedi ffeindio trychfilod.

Lottie- Fy hoff atgof yw chwarae gemau hwylus gyda ffrindiau ac athrawon.

Calvin- Fy hoff atgof yw Dŵr Cymru achos mae'n hwylus a ffeindiais i drychfilod gwahanol.

Bradley-  Fy hoff atgof yw mynd i'r parc achos rydym ni wedi chwarae gyda ffrindiau yn y parc.

Isaac- Fy hoff atgof yw Dŵr Cymru achos mae'n hwylus.


Hoffwn ddiolch o galon i’r plant ac i chi fel teuluoedd am eich ymroddiad a brwdfrydedd. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at gefnogi’r plant dros y misoedd nesaf yn eu dosbarthiadau prif-ffrwd.


Dear Families,

It's hard to believe that there 12 weeks has gone by! We are going to miss your children every day in the centre!

Highlights of Our Children’s Time at Carreg Lam

And that's it! The children's time at Carreg Lam has come to an end. I would like to say a big thank you to the children and to you as families for your dedication and enthusiasm. We look forward to supporting the children over the coming months in their mainstream classes. During the final week, we have re-visited and activities the children truly enjoyed in order to review the language. At the beginning of the week the children used prepositional language in order to put the block in the correct position. Children played  pairs with adjective and children had to hit the right adjective with a bean bag when producing a sentence. Children had the opportunity to re-visit the theme of the senses and the seasons. The children enjoyed the opportunity to paint the leaves on the trees and describe what happens to the leaves during each season. The children also played a game of Jenga to convert verbs. The use of the pool of balls was also fun as they had to search for odd and even numbers. Moving towards the end of the week, the children had a chance to express their opinions again about animals. The children then compared each other's height and learned how to use comparative language. On their last day, the children enjoyed creating a book celebrating their linguistic achievements and also had the opportunity to design an interesting animal. All the children laughed.  Well done!


There have been many highlights since the children started with us in September. Favourite memory of Mrs. It was great to see the excitement of the children on each trip and to understand that the language can bridge beyond the walls of Carreg Lam. Miss Stokes' favourite memory was meeting new children and seeing the children's confidence develop when using the language.


Here's what the children said about their favourite memories:


Tomos- My favourite memory is going bowling because it's fun and I won the second time.

Seren- My favourite memory is Welsh Water because we found insects.

Lottie- My favourite memory is playing fun games with friends and the teachers.

Calvin- My favourite memory is Welsh Water because it's fun and I found different insects.

Bradley- My favourite memory is going to the park because we played with friends in the park.

Isaac- My favourite memory is Welsh Water because it's fun.


We look forward to supporting the children over the coming months in their main-stream classes.

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