Diwedd Wythnos 7 | End of Week 7
Annwyl Deuluoedd,
A allwch chi gredu ein bod yn agosáu at ddiwedd wythnos 7?!

Uchafbwyntiau’r Wythnos
Am wythnos brysur dros ben! Mae'r thema yma llawn gweithgareddau amrywiol ac mae'r plant yn sicr wedi bod llawn brwdfrydedd wrth weithio'r wythnos hon. Roedd dechreuad cyffrous i’r wythnos wrth i’r plant blasu bwydydd amrywiol ac yna defnyddio geirfa i’w ddisgrifio. Roedd y plant i gyd yn gwisgo mygydau ond roeddwn nhw i gyd wedi mynd amdani i drio bwydydd, oer, hallt, melys a llawer mwy. Anhygoel! Dysgodd y plant am y dathliad pen-blwydd hefyd a chafon nhw cyfle i ddylunio cacen pen-blwydd a thrafod sut maen nhw'n hoffi dathlu. Ar ôl blasu ar ddechrau’r wythnos, roedd e’n amser teimlo amryw o wrthrychau gwahanol. Unwaith eto gwisgodd y plant mygydau. Yn sicr roedd teimlo uwd gwlyb a gludiog yn un diddorol. Roedd y plant hefyd wedi mwynhau dysgu am y tymhorau a sut mae dail ar y coed yn newid trwy'r flwyddyn. Roedd cyfle dangos hwn ar yr olwyn tymhorau ac roedd cyfle hyfryd i drafod ymhellach. Roedd canol yr wythnos yn un prysur iawn. Cafodd y plant cyfle i ddysgu am amryw o ddathliadau traddodiadol. Dechreuodd trwy greu carden Nadolig. Roedd y plant gwir wedi mwynhau creu crempogau wedyn ar gyfer diwrnod y grempog a chlywon ni llawer o Gymraeg ac roedd e’n braf clywed y plant yn dwyn i gof geirfa coginio a chyfarwyddiadau. Gwyliodd y plant noson tan gwyllt fel grŵp gan edrych mas am adegau oedd yn dawel, yn swnllyd ac yn swynol. Tuag at ddiwedd yr wythnos mwynheuodd y plant helfa wyau Pasg ac ysgrifennu cerdd gan ddefnyddio’r synhwyrau. I orffen yr wythnos cymerodd y plant rhan mewn nifer o arbrofion gwyddoniaeth er mwyn dysgu mwy am solid, hylif a nwy. Roedd y plant gwir wedi mwynhau gweld beth oedd yn digwydd mewn pob arbrawf bach.

Patrymau Iaith a Geirfa’r Wythnos Nesaf
Mae ein thema ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf, ‘Cartrefi’, yn golygu y byddwn yn dysgu llawer o strwythurau iaith a geirfa. Dyma ddetholiad o’r prif batrymau iaith y byddwn yn eu hymarfer wythnos nesaf.
Ble rwyt ti'n byw? Rwy'n byw...
Beth wyt ti'n wneud yn yr ystafell..?
Ydy.....? Ydy/nac ydy
Wyt ti.....? Ydw/nac ydw
Ydych chi.....? Ydyn/nac ydyn
Oes.....? Oes/nac oes
Pam.....? Achos....
-odd (3ydd person, gorffennol)
Dilynwch y ddolen canlynol er mwyn gweld yr holl batrymau ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf:
Cofiwch rydych chi’n gallu mynd i’n wefan ar unrhyw bryd er mwyn gweld patrymau’r wythnosau blaenorol a’r wythnosau sydd i ddod:
Dyddiadau Pwysig i’ch Dyddiadur
YR WYTHNOS NESAF: Ar 12/06/2024, byddwn yn mynd ar daith gerdded o amgylch yr ardal lleol er mwyn parhau i ddysgu'r iaith yn yr awyr agored. Mae gennym eisoes eich caniatâd ar gyfer y daith hon ar eich ffurflen dderbyn. Felly, dim ond os nad ydych chi am i'ch plentyn fynychu'r ymweliad addysgol y mae angen i chi gysylltu â ni. Nid oes unrhyw gost am yr ymweliad hwn. Mae trefniadau cinio arferol yn parhau ar y diwrnod hwn. Cofiwch esgidiau da, synhwyrol a chôt gynnes, gwrth-ddŵr.
YR WYTHNOS AR ÔL: 20/06/2024. Trip i dref Cwmbran. Mae gennym eisoes eich caniatâd ar gyfer y daith hon ar eich ffurflen dderbyn. Felly, dim ond os nad ydych chi am i'ch plentyn fynychu'r ymweliad addysgol y mae angen i chi gysylltu â ni. Nid oes unrhyw gost am yr ymweliad hwn. Mae trefniadau cinio arferol yn parhau ar y diwrnod hwn. Cofiwch esgidiau da, synhwyrol a chôt gynnes, gwrth-ddŵr.
AR Y GORWEL: Cofiwch bod ein seremoni graddio ar y 03/07/2024 am 10yb.
Dear Families,
Can you believe that we are nearing the end of week 7?!

Highlights of the Week
What a busy week! This theme is full of various activities and the children have certainly been full of enthusiasm while working this week. There was an exciting start to the week as the children tasted various foods and then used vocabulary to describe them. The children were all wearing masks but they had all gone for it to try foods, cold, salty, sweet and much more. Amazing! The children also learned about the birthday celebration and had the opportunity to design a birthday cake and discuss how they like to celebrate. After tasting at the beginning of the week, it was time to feel various different objects. Once again the children wore masks. It was certainly interesting to feel wet and sticky porridge. The children also enjoyed learning about the seasons and how the leaves on the trees change throughout the year. There was an opportunity to show this on the wheel of seasons and there was a wonderful opportunity to discuss further. The middle of the week was a very busy one. The children had the opportunity to learn about various traditional celebrations. It started by creating a Christmas card. The children really enjoyed creating pancakes afterwards for pancake day and we heard a lot of Welsh and it was nice to hear the children recall cooking vocabulary and instructions. The children watched a bonfire night as a group looking more for moments that were quiet, noisy and charming. Towards the end of the week the children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt and wrote a poem using the senses. To finish the week the children took part in a number of science experiments in order to learn more about solid, liquid and gas. The children really enjoyed seeing what was happening in each little experiment.

Next Week’s Language Patterns and Vocabulary
Our theme for next week, ‘Homes’, means that there are lots of language structures and vocabulary that we will be learning. Here is a selection of the main language patterns that we will be practicing next week.
Ble rwyt ti'n byw? Rwy'n byw...
Beth wyt ti'n wneud yn yr ystafell..?
Ydy.....? Ydy/nac ydy
Wyt ti.....? Ydw/nac ydw
Ydych chi.....? Ydyn/nac ydyn
Oes.....? Oes/nac oes
Pam.....? Achos....
-odd (3ydd person, gorffennol)
Follow the following link to see all the patterns for next week::
Remember that you can go to our website at any time to see the previous langauge patterns from previous weeks and the weeks to come:
Important Dates for Your Diary
NEXT WEEK: On 12/06/2024, we will be going for a walk around the local area to continue learning the language outdoors. We already have your permission for this trip on your admission form. Therefore, you only need to contact us if you do not want your child to attend the educational visit. There is no cost for this visit. Normal lunch arrangements continue on this day. Remember good, sensible shoes and a warm, waterproof coat.
THE WEEK AFTER: 20/06/2024. Trip to Cwmbran Town Centre. We already have your permission for this trip on your admission form. Therefore, you only need to contact us if you do not want your child to attend the educational visit. There is no cost for this visit. Normal lunch arrangements continue on this day. Remember good, sensible shoes and a warm, waterproof coat.
ON THE HORIZON: Remember that our graduation ceremony is on 03/07/2024 at 10am.