Annwyl Deuluoedd,
Mae thema dysgu iaith yr wythnos hon o’r ‘Parc’ wedi bod yn wych! Roedd yn ffantastig gweld wynebau'r plant wrth iddynt orfod defnyddio'r ymadroddion yr oeddent wedi'u dysgu ym Mharc Pontypool yn hyderus.

Uchafbwyntiau’r Wythnos
Mae'r plant wedi tyfu mewn hyder yr wythnos yma ac mae'n braf gweld personoliaethau'r plant yn datblygu. Dechreuon ni'r wythnos yn dysgu am yr holl offer sydd yn y parc a'r fath o fwyd sy'n addas ar gyfer picnic. Chwaraeon nhw ‘Spot the difference’ gyda llun o’r parc ac roedd y plant wedi gweithio’n arbennig fel tîm. Roedd y plant wedi mwynhau creu siapiau 2D gyda bandiau elastig hefyd. Yn sicr, uchafbwynt yr wythnos oedd mynd ar drip i barc Pont - Y- Pwl. Roedd y plant wedi mwynhau i’r eithaf a chlywon ni geirfa Cymraeg bendigedig. Er oedd y diwrnod yn wlyb, doedd dim ots gan y plant. Roedd cyfle da ar ôl trip i’r parc i drafod popeth oedd yno hefyd. Yng nghanol yr wythnos, dysgodd y plant am offer picnic a sut i osod yn gywir. Roedd rhaid iddyn nhw ddisgrifio i ffrind sut i osod picnic ac roedd pawb wedi dangos hyder i roi cynnig arni. Roedd dysgu am iaith safle yn hwylus i’r plant trwy greu cwrs rhwystr hefyd. Ymhellach yn yr wythnos dysgodd y plant am ferfau ac roedd cyfle actio mas amryw o weithgareddau. Roedd y plant hefyd wedi mwynhau torri, gludo a threfnu beth maen nhw’n gwneud cyn ac ar ôl ysgol. I orffen yr wythnos cafodd y plant cyfle i ddysgu am deganau yn yr hen ddyddiau. Roedd y plant wedi mwynhau arbrofi a mynegi sylwadau syml am sut maen nhw’n edrych.

Cyfleoedd Dysgu Adref
1. Ymweld, a thrafod, y parc
2. Arddodiaid/ Prepositions
3. Adnabod ac enwi siapiau 2D
4. Creu rhestr siopa am bicnic
Patrymau Iaith a Geirfa’r Wythnos Nesaf
Mae ein thema ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf, ‘Y Caffi’, yn golygu y byddwn yn dysgu llawer o strwythurau iaith a geirfa. Dyma ddetholiad o’r prif batrymau iaith y byddwn yn eu hymarfer wythnos nesaf.
Wyt ti’n hoffi…? Rydw i’n hoffi… / Dydw i ddim yn hoffi…
Wyt ti eisiau…? Rydw i eisiau… / Dydw i ddim eisiau…
Mae angen…
Cysyllteiriau (e.e. a, ac, yna, wedyn)
Cefais i / Ces i
Dyddiau’r Wythnos
Bwytais i… / Bwytaodd… & Gorffennol y ferf
Dilynwch y ddolen canlynol er mwyn gweld yr holl batrymau ar gyfer yr wythnos nesaf:
Cofiwch rydych chi’n gallu mynd i’n wefan ar unrhyw bryd er mwyn gweld patrymau’r wythnosau blaenorol a’r wythnosau sydd i ddod:

Dyddiadau Pwysig i’ch Dyddiadur
YR WYTHNOS NESAF: Ddydd Mercher, 25/09/2024 i, byddwn yn mynd i Ganol Tref Cwmbrân er mwyn parhau i ddysgu'r iaith ym myd go iawn caffi. Mae gennym eisoes eich caniatâd ar gyfer y daith hon ar eich ffurflen dderbyn. Felly, dim ond os nad ydych chi am i'ch plentyn fynychu'r ymweliad addysgol y mae angen i chi gysylltu â ni. Nid oes unrhyw gost am yr ymweliad hwn - mae costau wedi cyfro gan Garreg Lam.
YR WYTHNOS GANLYNOL: Ddydd Mercher, 02/10/2024, byddwn yn mynd i Hollywood Bowl Cwmbrân er mwyn parhau i ddysgu'r iaith yn y byd go iawn. Mae gennym eisoes eich caniatâd ar gyfer y daith hon ar eich ffurflen dderbyn. Felly, dim ond os nad ydych chi am i'ch plentyn fynychu'r ymweliad addysgol y mae angen i chi gysylltu â ni. Nid oes unrhyw gost am yr ymweliad hwn - mae costau wedi cyfro gan Garreg Lam.
AR Y GORWEL: Mae gennym Cyfarfodydd Cynnydd a Lles disgyblion yn rhedeg ar 15/10/2024 i 17/10/2024 ar ôl ysgol. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i ddarganfod sut mae'ch plentyn yn gwneud hyd yn hyn, sut maen nhw wedi setlo a beth yw eu camau nesaf. Byddwn mewn cysylltiad er mwyn trefnu ymgynghoriad gyda chi. Gofynnir i chi a ydych am gael cyfarfodydd mewn person (ein dewis cyntaf), cyfarfodydd dros y ffôn neu Microsoft Teams. Rydym yn hapus i wneud unrhyw un o'r rhain. Os penderfynwch fynd am alwad ffôn neu fideo, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn rhoi'r rhif yr ydych yn dymuno inni ei ffonio neu cyfeiriad e-bost yr ydych yn dymuno inni sefydlu cyfarfod Timau Microsoft ag ef. Ein disgwyliad yw y bydd pob teulu'n mynychu'r cyfarfodydd hyn (naill ai'n mewn person neu yn rhithiol). Yng Ngharreg Lam, mae gennym bolisi drws agored ar gyfer teuluoedd. Felly, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni cyn y Cyfarfod Cynnydd a Lles hwn i gael cefnogaeth, cyngor neu i rannu unrhyw bryderon. Rydym yn croesawu sgwrs ac ein bwriad yw gweithio'n agos gyda chi. Peidiwch ag oedi cyn cysylltu â ni! Gallwch gysylltu â ni trwy:
-dod mewn I’n gweld ni cyn neu ar ôl amser ysgol;
-rhowch alwad in ni ar 01495 762581; neu,
-anfonwch e-bost i ni (
Diolch am eich holl gefnogaeth! Mwynhewch eich penwythnos!

Dear Families,
This week’s language learning theme of ‘The Park’ has been great! It was great to see the children’s faces as they got to confidently use the phrases they had learnt at Pontypool Park..

Highlights of the Week
The children have grown in confidence this week and it's nice to see the children's personalities coming out. We started the week learning about all the equipment in the park and the type of food suitable for a picnic. They played 'Spot the Difference' with a picture of the park and the children had worked especially as a team. The children also enjoyed creating 2D shapes with elastic bands. Certainly, the highlight of the week was to go on a trip to Pontypool. The children enjoyed it and we heard wonderful Welsh vocabulary. Although the day was wet, the children didn't mind. There was also a good opportunity after a trip to the park to discuss everything that was there. In the middle of the week, the children learned about picnic equipment and how to install correctly. They had to describe a friend how to set a picnic and everyone had shown confidence to give it a try. Learning about a site language was easy for the children by creating a barrier course. Further in the week the children learned for verbs and there was an opportunity to act out various activities. The children also enjoyed cutting, pasting and arranging what they do before and after school. To finish the week the children had the opportunity to learn about toys in the old days. The children enjoyed experimenting and expressing simple comments about what they look like.

Learning Opportunities at Home
1. Visit, and discuss, the park
2. Prepositions/ Prepositions
3. Identify and name 2D shapes
4. Create a shopping list for a picnic
Next Week’s Language Patterns and Vocabulary
Our theme for next week, ‘The Café’, means that there are lots of language structures and vocabulary that we will be learning. Here is a selection of the main language patterns that we will be practicing next week.
Wyt ti’n hoffi…? Rydw i’n hoffi… / Dydw i ddim yn hoffi…
Wyt ti eisiau…? Rydw i eisiau… / Dydw i ddim eisiau…
Mae angen…
Cysyllteiriau (e.e. a, ac, yna, wedyn)
Cefais i / Ces i
Dyddiau’r Wythnos
Bwytais i… / Bwytaodd… & Gorffennol y ferf
Follow the following link to see all the patterns for next week::
Remember that you can go to our website at any time to see the previous language patterns from previous weeks and the weeks to come:

Important Dates for Your Diary
NEXT WEEK: On Wednesday, 25/09/2024, we will be going to Cwmbran Town Centre in order to continue learning the language in the real world of a café. We already have your permission for this trip on your admissions form. So, you only need to contact us if you do not want your child to attend the educational visit. There is no cost for this visit – costs are covered by Carreg Lam.
THE FOLLOWING WEEK: On Wednesday, 02/10/2024, we will be going to Hollywood Bowl in order to continue learning the language in the real world. We already have your permission for this trip on your admissions form. So, you only need to contact us if you do not want your child to attend the educational visit. There is no cost for this visit – costs are covered by Carreg Lam.
ON THE HORIZON: We have our pupil progress and wellbeing meetings running on 15/10/2024 to 17/10/2024 after school. This is a great opportunity to find out how your child is doing so far, how they’ve settled and what their next steps are. We will will be in contact in order to arrange a consultation with you. You will be asked if you wish to have in-person meetings (our first choice), telephone or Microsoft Teams meetings. We are happy to do any of these. If you do decide to go for a telephone or video call, please ensure that you give the number you wish us to call or email you wish us to set up the Microsoft Teams meeting with. It is our expectation that all families will attend these meetings (either in-person or virtually). At Carreg Lam, we have an open door policy for families. So, you are welcome to contact us before this Pupil Progress and Wellbeing Meeting for support, advice or to share any of your concerns. We welcome conversation and desire to work closely with you. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us! You can contact us by:
-coming to see us before or after school time;
-giving us a ring on 01495 762581; or,
-sending us an email (
Thanks for your support! Enjoy your weekend!
